CommandSet:"<name> <value> - Change account setting. Available settings: highlight, pips and moves.",
CommandReplay:"<id> - Retrieve replay of the specified game.",
CommandHistory:"<username> [page] - Retrieve match history of the specified player.",
CommandHelp:"[command] - Request help for all commands, or optionally a specific command.",
CommandSay:"<message> - Send a chat message. This command can only be used after creating or joining a match.",
CommandList:"- List all matches.",
CommandCreate:"<public>/<private [password]> <points> <variant> [name] - Create a match. A variant value of 0 represents a standard game, a value of 1 represents an acey-deucey game and a value of 2 represents a tabula game.",
CommandJoin:"<id>/<username> [password] - Join match by match ID or by player.",
CommandLeave:"- Leave match.",
CommandDouble:"- Offer double to opponent.",
CommandResign:"- Resign game. Resigning when a double is offered will decline the offer.",
CommandOk:"[1-6] - Accept double offer or confirm checker movement. The parameter for this command only applies in acey-deucey games.",
CommandRematch:"- Request (or accept) a rematch after a match has been finished.",
CommandBoard:"- Request current match state.",
CommandPong:"<message> - Sent in response to server ping event to prevent the connection from timing out.",
CommandDisconnect:"- Disconnect from the server.",
CommandMOTD:"[message] - View (or set) message of the day. Specifying a new message of the day is only available to server administrators.",
CommandBroadcast:"<message> - Send a message to all players. This command is only available to server administrators.",
CommandShutdown:"<minutes> <reason> - Prevent the creation of new matches and periodically warn players about the server shutting down. This command is only available to server administrators.",