2024-08-20 22:36:05 -07:00

93 lines
5.6 KiB

package bgammon
type Command string
const (
CommandLogin = "login" // Log in with username and password, or as a guest.
CommandLoginJSON = "loginjson" // Log in with username and password, or as a guest, and enable JSON messages.
CommandRegister = "register" // Register an account.
CommandRegisterJSON = "registerjson" // Register an account and enable JSON messages.
CommandResetPassword = "resetpassword" // Request password reset link via email.
CommandPassword = "password" // Change password.
CommandSet = "set" // Change account setting.
CommandReplay = "replay" // Retrieve replay.
CommandHistory = "history" // Retrieve match history.
CommandHelp = "help" // Print help information.
CommandJSON = "json" // Enable or disable JSON formatted messages.
CommandSay = "say" // Send chat message.
CommandList = "list" // List available matches.
CommandCreate = "create" // Create match.
CommandJoin = "join" // Join match.
CommandLeave = "leave" // Leave match.
CommandDouble = "double" // Offer double to opponent.
CommandResign = "resign" // Decline double offer and resign game.
CommandRoll = "roll" // Roll dice.
CommandMove = "move" // Move checkers.
CommandReset = "reset" // Reset checker movement.
CommandOk = "ok" // Confirm checker movement and pass turn to next player.
CommandRematch = "rematch" // Confirm checker movement and pass turn to next player.
CommandFollow = "follow" // Follow a player.
CommandUnfollow = "unfollow" // Un-follow a player.
CommandBoard = "board" // Print current board state in human-readable form.
CommandPong = "pong" // Response to server ping.
CommandDisconnect = "disconnect" // Disconnect from server.
CommandMOTD = "motd" // Read (or write) the message of the day.
CommandBroadcast = "broadcast" // Send a message to all players.
CommandShutdown = "shutdown" // Prevent the creation of new matches.
type EventType string
const (
EventTypeWelcome = "welcome"
EventTypeHelp = "help"
EventTypePing = "ping"
EventTypeNotice = "notice"
EventTypeSay = "say"
EventTypeList = "list"
EventTypeJoined = "joined"
EventTypeFailedJoin = "failedjoin"
EventTypeLeft = "left"
EventTypeFailedLeave = "failedleave"
EventTypeBoard = "board"
EventTypeRolled = "rolled"
EventTypeFailedRoll = "failedroll"
EventTypeMoved = "moved"
EventTypeFailedMove = "failedmove"
EventTypeFailedOk = "failedok"
EventTypeWin = "win"
EventTypeSettings = "settings"
EventTypeReplay = "replay"
EventTypeHistory = "history"
var HelpText = map[string]string{
CommandLogin: "[username] [password] - Log in. A random username is assigned when none is provided.",
CommandRegister: "<email> <username> <password> - Register an account. A valid email address must be provided.",
CommandResetPassword: "<email> - Request a password reset link via email.",
CommandPassword: "<old> <new> - Change account password.",
CommandSet: "<name> <value> - Change account setting. Available settings: highlight, pips and moves.",
CommandReplay: "<id> - Retrieve replay of the specified game.",
CommandHistory: "<username> [page] - Retrieve match history of the specified player.",
CommandHelp: "[command] - Request help for all commands, or optionally a specific command.",
CommandSay: "<message> - Send a chat message. This command can only be used after creating or joining a match.",
CommandList: "- List all matches.",
CommandCreate: "<public>/<private [password]> <points> <variant> [name] - Create a match. A variant value of 0 represents a standard game, a value of 1 represents an acey-deucey game and a value of 2 represents a tabula game.",
CommandJoin: "<id>/<username> [password] - Join match by match ID or by player.",
CommandLeave: "- Leave match.",
CommandDouble: "- Offer double to opponent.",
CommandResign: "- Resign game. Resigning when a double is offered will decline the offer.",
CommandRoll: "- Roll dice.",
CommandMove: "<from-to> [from-to]... - Move checkers.",
CommandReset: "- Reset pending checker movement.",
CommandOk: "[1-6] - Accept double offer or confirm checker movement. The parameter for this command only applies in acey-deucey games.",
CommandRematch: "- Request (or accept) a rematch after a match has been finished.",
CommandFollow: "- Follow a player. A notification is shown whenever a followed player goes online or offline.",
CommandUnfollow: "- Un-follow a player.",
CommandBoard: "- Request current match state.",
CommandPong: "<message> - Sent in response to server ping event to prevent the connection from timing out.",
CommandDisconnect: "- Disconnect from the server.",
CommandMOTD: "[message] - View (or set) message of the day. Specifying a new message of the day is only available to server administrators.",
CommandBroadcast: "<message> - Send a message to all players. This command is only available to server administrators.",
CommandShutdown: "<minutes> <reason> - Prevent the creation of new matches and periodically warn players about the server shutting down. This command is only available to server administrators.",