
3.2 KiB

Secification of bgammon protocol

User commands

Format: command <required argument> [optional argument]

login [username] [password]

Log in to bgammon. A random username is assigned when none is provided.

This must be the first command sent when a client connects to bgammon.

json [on/off]

Turn JSON formatted messages on or off. JSON messages are not sent by default.

Graphical clients should send the json on command immediately after sending login.

help [command]

Request help for all commands, or optionally a specific command.


List all games.

create [public/private] [password]

List all games.

join [id] [password]

Join game.


Roll dice.

move <from-to> [from-to]...

Move checkers.


Reset pending checker movement.


Confirm checker movement and pass turn to next player.

say <message>

Send a chat message.

This command can only be used after creating or joining a game.


Print current game state in human-readable form.

This command is not normally used, as the game state is provided in JSON format.


Disconnect from the server.

Server responses

Data types:

  • integer a whole number
  • boolean - 0 (representing false) or 1 (representing true)
  • text - alphanumeric without spaces
  • line - alphanumeric with spaces

hello <message:line>

Initial welcome message sent by the server. It provides instructions on how to log in.

This message does not normally need to be displayed when using a graphical client.

welcome <name:text> there are <clients:integer> clients playing <games:integer> games.

Initial message sent by the server.

notice <message:line>

Server message. This should always be displayed to the user.

liststart Games list:

Start of games list.

game <id:integer> <password:boolean> <players:integer> <name:line>

Game description.

listend End of games list.

End of games list.

joined <id:integer> <player:text> <name:line>

Sent after successfully creating or joining a game, and when another player joins a game you are in.

The server will always send a board response immediately after joined to provide clients with the initial game state.

failedjoin <message:line>

Sent after failing to join a game.

parted <gameID:integer> <gameID:integer>

Sent after leaving a game.

json <message:line>

Server confirmation of client requested JSON formatting.

This message does not normally need to be displayed when using a graphical client.

board <json:line>

Game state in JSON format.

This message is only sent to clients that have explicitly enabled JSON formatted messages.

type Player struct {
	Number int // 1 black, 2 white
	Name   string

type Game struct {
    Board   []int
    Player1 Player
    Player2 Player
    Turn    int
    Roll1   int
    Roll2   int

failedok <reason:line>

Sent after sending ok when there are one or more legal moves still available to the player.

Players must make moves using all available dice rolls before ending their turn.

say <player:text> <message:line>

Chat message from another player.