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Specification of bgammon.org protocol
Connect via bgammon.org:1337
(TCP) or wss://ws.bgammon.org
Replace spaces with underscores when sending a password to the server.
When connected via TCP, commands and events are separated by newlines.
Players always perceive games from the perspective of player number 1 (black).
User commands
command <required argument> [optional argument]
Client commands
Clients must send a register command, reset command or login command before sending any other commands.
register <email> <username> <password>
- Register an account. A valid email address must be provided.
- Usernames must contain at least one non-numeric character.
registerjson <client> <email> <username> <password>
- Register an account and enable JSON formatted responses.
- All client applications should use the
command to register, as JSON formatted responses are more easily parsed by computers. - The client field is specified as follows:
- Aliases:
resetpassword <email>
- Request a password reset link via email.
- This command always terminates the client with the message "resetpasswordok", even if an account is not found.
login [username] [password]
- Log in. A random username is assigned when none is provided.
- Usernames must contain at least one non-numeric character.
loginjson <client> [username] [password]
- Log in and enable JSON formatted responses.
- All client applications should use the
command to log in, as JSON formatted responses are more easily parsed by computers. - The client field is specified as follows:
- Aliases:
password <old> <new>
- Change account password.
set <name> <value>
- Change account setting.
- Available settings:
replay <id>
- Retrieve replay of the specified game.
history <username> [page]
- Retrieve match history of the specified player.
json <on/off>
- Turn JSON formatted messages on or off. JSON messages are not sent by default.
help [command]
- Request help for all commands, or optionally a specific command.
- Aliases:
- List all matches.
- Aliases:
create <public>/<private [password]> <points> <variant> [name]
- Create a match. A
value of 0 represents a standard game, a value of 1 represents an acey-deucey game and a value of 2 represents a tabula game. - Aliases:
- Create a match. A
join <id>/<username> [password]
- Join match by match ID or by player.
- Aliases:
- Leave match.
- Offer double to opponent.
- Aliases:
- Resign game. Resigning when a double is offered will decline the offer.
- Roll dice.
- Aliases:
move <from-to> [from-to]...
- Move checkers.
- Aliases:
- Reset pending checker movement.
- Aliases:
ok [1-6]
- Accept double offer or confirm checker movement. The parameter for this command only applies in acey-deucey games.
- In normal games, confirming checker movement passes the turn to the next player.
- In acey-deucey games, when confirming moves after rolling an acey-deucey, the double roll the player chooses must be specified.
- Aliases:
- Request (or accept) a rematch after a match has been finished.
- Aliases:
say <message>
- Send a chat message.
- This command can only be used after creating or joining a match.
- Aliases:
- Print current match state in human-readable form.
- This command is not normally used, as the match state is provided in JSON format.
- Aliases:
follow <username>
- Follow a player. A notification is shown whenever a followed player goes online or offline.
unfollow <username>
- Un-follow a player.
pong <message>
- Sent in response to server
event to prevent the connection from timing out. - Whether the client sends a
command, or any other command, clients must write some data to the server at least once every 40 seconds.
- Sent in response to server
- Disconnect from the server.
motd [message]
- View (or set) message of the day.
- Specifying a new message of the day is only available to server administrators.
broadcast <message>
- Send a message to all players.
- This command is only available to server administrators.
defcon [level]
- Apply restrictions to guests to prevent abuse.
- This command is only available to server administrators and moderators.
- Levels:
- Disallow new accounts from being registered.
- Only registered users may create and join matches.
- Only registered users may chat and set custom match titles.
- Warning message is broadcast to all users.
- Normal operation.
shutdown <minutes> <reason>
- Prevent the creation of new matches and periodically warn players about the server shutting down.
- This command is only available to server administrators.
Server events
All events are sent in either JSON or human-readable format. The structure of messages sent in JSON format is available via godoc.
This document lists events in human-readable format.
Data types
a whole numberboolean
(representing false) or1
(representing true)text
- alphanumeric without spacesline
- alphanumeric with spaces
hello <message:line>
- Initial welcome message sent only to clients connected via TCP. It provides instructions on how to log in.
- This message does not normally need to be displayed when using a graphical client.
welcome <name:text> there are <clients:integer> clients playing <games:integer> matches.
- Initial message sent by the server.
notice <message:line>
- Server message. This should always be displayed to the user.
liststart Matches list:
- Start of matches list.
game <id:integer> <password:boolean> <points:integer> <players:integer> <name:line>
- Match description.
listend End of matches list.
- End of matches list.
joined <id:integer> <playerNumber:integer> <playerName:text>
- Sent after successfully creating or joining a match, and when another player joins a match you are in.
- The server will always send a
event immediately afterjoined
to provide clients with the initial match state.
failedjoin <message:line>
- Sent after failing to join a match.
left <username:text>
- Sent after leaving a match.
json <message:line>
- Server confirmation of client requested JSON formatting.
- This message does not normally need to be displayed when using a graphical client.
failedok <reason:line>
- Sent after sending
when there are one or more legal moves still available to the player. - Players must make moves using all available dice rolls before ending their turn.
- Sent after sending
win <player:text> wins!
- Sent after a player bears their final checker off the board.
say <player:text> <message:line>
- Chat message from another player.
ping <message:text>
- Sent to clients to prevent their connection from timing out.
- Whether the client replies with a
command, or any other command, clients must write some data to the server at least once every 40 seconds.