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Secification of bgammon protocol
User commands
Format: command <required argument> [optional argument]
login [username] [password]
Log in to bgammon. A random username is assigned when none is provided.
This must be the first command sent when a client connects to bgammon.
help [command]
Request help for all commands, or optionally a specific command.
List all games.
create [public/private] [password]
List all games.
join [ID] [password]
Join game.
Roll dice.
move <from-to> [from-to]...
Move checkers.
Reset pending checker movement.
Confirm checker movement and pass turn to next player.
Disconnect from the server.
Server responses
Data types:
a whole numberboolean
(representing false) or1
(representing true)text
- alphanumeric without spacesline
- alphanumeric with spaces
hello <message:line>
Initial welcome message sent by the server. It provides instructions on how to log in.
This message does not normally need to be displayed when using a graphical client.
welcome <name:text> there are <clients:integer> clients playing <games:integer> games.
Initial message sent by the server.
notice <message:line>
Server message. This should always be displayed to the user.
liststart Games list:
Start of games list.
game <ID:integer> <password:boolean> <players:integer> <name:line>
Game description.
listend End of games list.
End of games list.