Objectives #4

opened 2021-10-22 00:34:52 +00:00 by tslocum · 0 comments


  • Collect all n artifacts to progress to the next level
  • Collect all n artifacts for a weapon power up
  • Find the exit portal to progress to the next level
  • Find the exit portal to progress to the next level (after collecting all of the necessary cards/keys)
  • Free lost souls wandering the dungeon to progress to the next level, eventually exiting the dungeons entirely to a win screen. As the levels increase, more souls must be freed to progress. This is similar to a mechanic in Wiz 'n Liz.
Ideas: - Collect all *n* artifacts to progress to the next level - Collect all *n* artifacts for a weapon power up - Find the exit portal to progress to the next level - Find the exit portal to progress to the next level (after collecting all of the necessary cards/keys) - Free lost souls wandering the dungeon to progress to the next level, eventually exiting the dungeons entirely to a win screen. As the levels increase, more souls must be freed to progress. This is similar to a mechanic in Wiz 'n Liz.
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Reference: tslocum/carotidartillery#4
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