2023-12-19 12:24:44 -08:00

291 lines
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package etk
import (
// Grid is a highly customizable cell-based layout. Widgets added to the Grid
// may span multiple cells.
type Grid struct {
columnSizes []int
rowSizes []int
columnPadding int
rowPadding int
cellPositions [][2]int
cellSpans [][2]int
updated bool
// NewGrid returns a new Grid widget.
func NewGrid() *Grid {
return &Grid{
Box: NewBox(),
// SetRect sets the position and size of the widget.
func (g *Grid) SetRect(r image.Rectangle) {
defer g.Unlock()
g.Box.rect = r
g.updated = true
// SetColumnSizes sets the size of each column. A size of -1 represents an equal
// proportion of the available space.
func (g *Grid) SetColumnSizes(size {
defer g.Unlock()
g.columnSizes = size
g.updated = true
// SetColumnPadding sets the amount of padding between each column.
func (g *Grid) SetColumnPadding(padding int) {
defer g.Unlock()
g.columnPadding = padding
g.updated = true
// SetRowSizes sets the size of each row. A size of -1 represents an equal
// proportion of the available space.
func (g *Grid) SetRowSizes(size {
defer g.Unlock()
g.rowSizes = size
g.updated = true
// SetRowPadding sets the amount of padding between each row.
func (g *Grid) SetRowPadding(padding int) {
defer g.Unlock()
g.rowPadding = padding
g.updated = true
// AddChild adds a widget to the Grid at 0,0. To add widgets to a Grid, you
// should use AddChildAt instead.
func (g *Grid) AddChild(wgt ...Widget) {
for i := 0; i < len(wgt); i++ {
g.cellPositions = append(g.cellPositions, [2]int{0, 0})
g.cellSpans = append(g.cellSpans, [2]int{1, 1})
g.updated = true
// AddChildAt adds a widget to the Grid at the specified position. Each widget
// added to the grid may span multiple cells.
func (g *Grid) AddChildAt(wgt Widget, x int, y int, columns int, rows int) {
g.cellPositions = append(g.cellPositions, [2]int{x, y})
g.cellSpans = append(g.cellSpans, [2]int{columns, rows})
g.updated = true
// Clear removes all children from the Grid.
func (g *Grid) Clear() {
defer g.Unlock()
g.children = g.children[:0]
g.cellPositions = g.cellPositions[:0]
g.cellSpans = g.cellSpans[:0]
g.updated = true
// HandleKeyboard is called when a keyboard event occurs.
func (g *Grid) HandleKeyboard(ebiten.Key, rune) (handled bool, err error) {
if g.updated {
g.updated = false
return false, nil
// HandleMouse is called when a mouse event occurs.
func (g *Grid) HandleMouse(cursor image.Point, pressed bool, clicked bool) (handled bool, err error) {
if g.updated {
g.updated = false
return false, nil
// Draw draws the widget on the screen.
func (g *Grid) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
defer g.Unlock()
if g.updated {
g.updated = false
return nil
func (g *Grid) reposition() {
if g.rect.Min.X == 0 && g.rect.Min.Y == 0 && g.rect.Max.X == 0 && g.rect.Max.Y == 0 {
gridX, gridY := g.rect.Min.X, g.rect.Min.Y
gridW, gridH := g.rect.Dx(), g.rect.Dy()
// Determine max column and row sizes and proportions.
var (
numColumns int
numRows int
maxColumnProportion = 1
maxRowProportion = 1
numColumnProportions = make(map[int]int)
numRowProportions = make(map[int]int)
for i := range g.children {
position := g.cellPositions[i]
x, y := position[0], position[1]
span := g.cellSpans[i]
w, h := span[0], span[1]
if x+w > numColumns {
numColumns = x + w
if y+h > numRows {
numRows = y + h
if -w > maxColumnProportion {
maxColumnProportion = -w
if -h > maxRowProportion {
maxRowProportion = -h
// Determine actual column and row sizes and proportions.
numColumnSizes := len(g.columnSizes)
numRowSizes := len(g.rowSizes)
columnWidths := make([]int, numColumns)
var usedWidth int
for i := 0; i < numColumns; i++ {
if i >= numColumnSizes {
columnWidths[i] = -1
} else {
columnWidths[i] = g.columnSizes[i]
if g.columnSizes[i] > 0 {
usedWidth += g.columnSizes[i]
if columnWidths[i] < 0 {
remainingWidth := gridW - usedWidth - (g.columnPadding * (numColumns + 1))
columnProportions := make([]int, maxColumnProportion)
for i := 0; i < maxColumnProportion; i++ {
columnProportions[i] = remainingWidth / (i + 1)
for i := 0; i < numColumns; i++ {
if columnWidths[i] < 0 {
columnWidths[i] = columnProportions[-columnWidths[i]-1] / numColumnProportions[-columnWidths[i]]
rowHeights := make([]int, numRows)
var usedHeight int
for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
if i >= numRowSizes {
rowHeights[i] = -1
} else {
rowHeights[i] = g.rowSizes[i]
if g.rowSizes[i] > 0 {
usedHeight += g.rowSizes[i]
if rowHeights[i] < 0 {
remainingHeight := gridH - usedHeight - (g.rowPadding * (numRows + 1))
rowProportions := make([]int, maxRowProportion)
for i := 0; i < maxRowProportion; i++ {
rowProportions[i] = remainingHeight / (i + 1)
for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
if rowHeights[i] < 0 {
rowHeights[i] = rowProportions[-rowHeights[i]-1] / numRowProportions[-rowHeights[i]]
columnPositions := make([]int, numColumns)
x := g.columnPadding
for i := 0; i < numColumns; i++ {
columnPositions[i] = x
x += columnWidths[i] + g.columnPadding
rowPositions := make([]int, numRows)
y := g.rowPadding
for i := 0; i < numRows; i++ {
rowPositions[i] = y
y += rowHeights[i] + g.rowPadding
// Reposition and resize all children.
for i, child := range g.children {
position := g.cellPositions[i]
span := g.cellSpans[i]
x := columnPositions[position[0]]
y := rowPositions[position[1]]
var w, h int
for j := 0; j < span[0]; j++ {
if j > 0 {
w += g.columnPadding
w += columnWidths[position[0]+j]
for j := 0; j < span[1]; j++ {
if j > 0 {
h += g.rowPadding
h += rowHeights[position[1]+j]
child.SetRect(image.Rect(gridX+x, gridY+y, gridX+x+w, gridY+y+h))