616 lines
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616 lines
15 KiB
package etk
import (
// SelectionMode represents a mode of selection.
type SelectionMode int
// Selection modes.
const (
// SelectNone disables selection.
SelectNone SelectionMode = iota
// SelectRow enables selection by row.
// SelectColumn enables selection by column.
// List is a list of widgets.
type List struct {
rect image.Rectangle
grid *Grid
focused bool
itemHeight int
highlightColor color.RGBA
maxY int
selectionMode SelectionMode
selectedX, selectedY int
selectedTime time.Time
selectedFunc func(index int) (accept bool)
confirmedFunc func(index int)
items [][]Widget
offset int
recreateGrid bool
scrollRect image.Rectangle
scrollWidth int
scrollAreaColor color.RGBA
scrollHandleColor color.RGBA
scrollBorderSize int
scrollBorderTop color.RGBA
scrollBorderRight color.RGBA
scrollBorderBottom color.RGBA
scrollBorderLeft color.RGBA
scrollDrag bool
drawBorder bool
const (
initialPadding = 5
initialScrollWidth = 32
var (
initialForeground = color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255}
initialBackground = color.RGBA{255, 255, 255, 255}
initialScrollArea = color.RGBA{200, 200, 200, 255}
initialScrollHandle = color.RGBA{108, 108, 108, 255}
// NewList returns a new List widget.
func NewList(itemHeight int, onSelected func(index int) (accept bool)) *List {
return &List{
grid: NewGrid(),
itemHeight: itemHeight,
highlightColor: color.RGBA{128, 128, 128, 255},
maxY: -1,
selectionMode: SelectRow,
selectedX: -1,
selectedY: -1,
selectedFunc: onSelected,
recreateGrid: true,
scrollWidth: initialScrollWidth,
scrollAreaColor: initialScrollArea,
scrollHandleColor: initialScrollHandle,
scrollBorderSize: Style.ScrollBorderSize,
scrollBorderTop: Style.ScrollBorderTop,
scrollBorderRight: Style.ScrollBorderRight,
scrollBorderBottom: Style.ScrollBorderBottom,
scrollBorderLeft: Style.ScrollBorderLeft,
// Rect returns the position and size of the widget.
func (l *List) Rect() image.Rectangle {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.rect
// SetRect sets the position and size of the widget.
func (l *List) SetRect(r image.Rectangle) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.rect = r
if l.showScrollBar() {
r.Max.X -= l.scrollWidth
l.recreateGrid = true
// Background returns the background color of the widget.
func (l *List) Background() color.RGBA {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.grid.Background()
// SetBackground sets the background color of the widget.
func (l *List) SetBackground(background color.RGBA) {
defer l.Unlock()
// Focus returns the focus state of the widget.
func (l *List) Focus() bool {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.focused
// SetFocus sets the focus state of the widget.
func (l *List) SetFocus(focus bool) (accept bool) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.focused = focus
return true
// Visible returns the visibility of the widget.
func (l *List) Visible() bool {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.grid.Visible()
// SetVisible sets the visibility of the widget.
func (l *List) SetVisible(visible bool) {
defer l.Unlock()
// Clip returns whether the widget and its children are restricted to drawing
// within the widget's rect area of the screen. For best performance, Clip
// should return false unless clipping is actually needed.
func (l *List) Clip() bool {
return true
// SetColumnSizes sets the size of each column. A size of -1 represents an equal
// proportion of the available space.
func (l *List) SetColumnSizes(size ...int) {
defer l.Unlock()
// SetItemHeight sets the height of the list items.
func (l *List) SetItemHeight(itemHeight int) {
defer l.Unlock()
if l.itemHeight == itemHeight {
l.itemHeight = itemHeight
if l.maxY == -1 {
rowSizes := make([]int, l.maxY+1)
for i := range rowSizes {
rowSizes[i] = l.itemHeight
// SetSelectionMode sets the selection mode of the list.
func (l *List) SetSelectionMode(selectionMode SelectionMode) {
defer l.Unlock()
if l.selectionMode == selectionMode {
l.selectionMode = selectionMode
// SetHighlightColor sets the color used to highlight the currently selected item.
func (l *List) SetHighlightColor(c color.RGBA) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.highlightColor = c
// SelectedItem returns the selected list item.
func (l *List) SelectedItem() (x int, y int) {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.selectedX, l.selectedY
// SetSelectedItem sets the selected list item.
func (l *List) SetSelectedItem(x int, y int) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.selectedX, l.selectedY = x, y
// SetScrollBarWidth sets the width of the scroll bar.
func (l *List) SetScrollBarWidth(width int) {
defer l.Unlock()
if l.scrollWidth == width {
l.scrollWidth = width
// SetScrollBarColors sets the color of the scroll bar area and handle.
func (l *List) SetScrollBarColors(area color.RGBA, handle color.RGBA) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.scrollAreaColor, l.scrollHandleColor = area, handle
// SetScrollBorderSize sets the size of the border around the scroll bar handle.
func (l *List) SetScrollBorderSize(size int) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.scrollBorderSize = size
// SetScrollBorderColor sets the color of the top, right, bottom and left border
// of the scroll bar handle.
func (l *List) SetScrollBorderColors(top color.RGBA, right color.RGBA, bottom color.RGBA, left color.RGBA) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.scrollBorderTop = top
l.scrollBorderRight = right
l.scrollBorderBottom = bottom
l.scrollBorderLeft = left
// SetSelectedFunc sets a handler which is called when a list item is selected.
// Providing a nil function value will remove the existing handler (if set).
// The handler may return false to return the selection to its original state.
func (l *List) SetSelectedFunc(f func(index int) (accept bool)) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.selectedFunc = f
// SetConfirmedFunc sets a handler which is called when the list selection is confirmed.
// Providing a nil function value will remove the existing handler (if set).
func (l *List) SetConfirmedFunc(f func(index int)) {
defer l.Unlock()
l.confirmedFunc = f
// Children returns the children of the widget. Children are drawn in the
// order they are returned. Keyboard and mouse events are passed to children
// in reverse order.
func (l *List) Children() []Widget {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.grid.Children()
// AddChildAt adds a widget to the list at the specified position.
func (l *List) AddChildAt(w Widget, x int, y int) {
defer l.Unlock()
for i := y; i >= len(l.items); i-- {
l.items = append(l.items, nil)
for i := x; i > len(l.items[y]); i-- {
l.items[y] = append(l.items[y], nil)
if l.selectionMode == SelectNone {
w = &WithoutMouseExceptScroll{Widget: w}
} else {
w = &WithoutMouse{Widget: w}
l.items[y] = append(l.items[y], w)
if y > l.maxY {
l.maxY = y
l.recreateGrid = true
// Rows returns the number of rows in the list.
func (l *List) Rows() int {
defer l.Unlock()
return l.maxY + 1
func (l *List) showScrollBar() bool {
return len(l.items) > l.rect.Dy()/l.itemHeight
// clampOffset clamps the list offset.
func (l *List) clampOffset(offset int) int {
if offset >= len(l.items)*l.itemHeight-l.rect.Dy() {
offset = len(l.items)*l.itemHeight - l.rect.Dy()
if offset < 0 {
offset = 0
return offset
// Cursor returns the cursor shape shown when a mouse cursor hovers over the
// widget, or -1 to let widgets beneath determine the cursor shape.
func (l *List) Cursor() ebiten.CursorShapeType {
return ebiten.CursorShapeDefault
// HandleKeyboard is called when a keyboard event occurs.
func (l *List) HandleKeyboard(key ebiten.Key, r rune) (handled bool, err error) {
defer l.Unlock()
if r == 0 {
// Handle confirmation.
for _, confirmKey := range Bindings.ConfirmKeyboard {
if key == confirmKey {
confirmedFunc := l.confirmedFunc
if confirmedFunc != nil {
return true, nil
// Handle movement.
move := func(x int, y int) {
y = l.selectedY + y
if y >= 0 && y <= l.maxY {
l.selectedY = y
for _, leftKey := range Bindings.MoveLeftKeyboard {
if key == leftKey {
move(-1, 0)
return true, nil
for _, rightKey := range Bindings.MoveRightKeyboard {
if key == rightKey {
move(1, 0)
return true, nil
for _, downKey := range Bindings.MoveDownKeyboard {
if key == downKey {
move(0, 1)
return true, nil
for _, upKey := range Bindings.MoveUpKeyboard {
if key == upKey {
move(0, -1)
return true, nil
return l.grid.HandleKeyboard(key, r)
// SetDrawBorder enables or disables borders being drawn around the list.
func (l *List) SetDrawBorder(drawBorder bool) {
l.drawBorder = drawBorder
// HandleMouse is called when a mouse event occurs. Only mouse events that
// are on top of the widget are passed to the widget.
func (l *List) HandleMouse(cursor image.Point, pressed bool, clicked bool) (handled bool, err error) {
defer l.Unlock()
_, scroll := ebiten.Wheel()
if scroll != 0 {
if scroll < -maxScroll {
scroll = -maxScroll
} else if scroll > maxScroll {
scroll = maxScroll
offset := l.clampOffset(l.offset - int(math.Round(scroll))*3*l.itemHeight)
if offset != l.offset {
l.offset = offset
l.recreateGrid = true
if l.showScrollBar() && (pressed || l.scrollDrag) {
if pressed && cursor.In(l.scrollRect) {
dragY := cursor.Y - l.rect.Min.Y
if dragY < 0 {
dragY = 0
} else if dragY > l.scrollRect.Dy() {
dragY = l.scrollRect.Dy()
pct := float64(dragY) / float64(l.scrollRect.Dy())
if pct < 0 {
pct = 0
} else if pct > 1 {
pct = 1
lastOffset := l.offset
offset := l.clampOffset(int(math.Round(float64(len(l.items)*l.itemHeight-l.rect.Dy()) * pct)))
if offset != lastOffset {
l.offset = offset
l.recreateGrid = true
l.scrollDrag = true
return true, nil
} else if !pressed {
l.scrollDrag = false
if !clicked || (cursor.X == 0 && cursor.Y == 0) {
return true, nil
selected := (l.offset + cursor.Y - l.rect.Min.Y) / l.itemHeight
if selected >= 0 && selected <= l.maxY {
lastSelected := l.selectedY
l.selectedY = selected
selectedFunc := l.selectedFunc
if selectedFunc != nil {
accept := selectedFunc(l.selectedY)
if !accept {
l.selectedY = lastSelected
return true, nil
if selected == lastSelected && time.Since(l.selectedTime) <= Bindings.DoubleClickThreshold {
confirmedFunc := l.confirmedFunc
if confirmedFunc != nil {
l.selectedTime = time.Time{}
return true, nil
l.selectedTime = time.Now()
return true, nil
func (l *List) _recreateCrid(screen *ebiten.Image) {
maxY := l.rect.Dy()/l.itemHeight + 1
if maxY < 2 {
maxY = 2
l.offset = l.clampOffset(l.offset)
rowSizes := make([]int, l.maxY+1)
for i := range rowSizes {
rowSizes[i] = l.itemHeight
var y int
for i := range l.items {
if i*l.itemHeight < l.offset-l.itemHeight+1 {
} else if y > maxY {
for x := range l.items[i] {
w := l.items[i][x]
if w == nil {
l.grid.AddChildAt(w, x, y, 1, 1)
r := l.rect
if l.showScrollBar() {
r.Max.X -= l.scrollWidth
remainder := l.offset % l.itemHeight
r.Min.Y = l.rect.Min.Y - remainder
l.recreateGrid = false
// Draw draws the widget on the screen.
func (l *List) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
defer l.Unlock()
if l.recreateGrid {
// Draw grid.
err := l.grid.Draw(screen)
if err != nil {
return err
// Highlight selection.
drawHighlight := l.selectionMode != SelectNone && l.selectedY >= 0
if drawHighlight {
x, y := l.rect.Min.X, l.rect.Min.Y+l.selectedY*l.itemHeight-l.offset
w, h := l.rect.Dx(), l.itemHeight
r := clampRect(image.Rect(x, y, x+w, y+h), l.rect)
if r.Dx() > 0 && r.Dy() > 0 {
// Draw border.
if l.drawBorder {
const borderSize = 4
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(l.grid.rect.Min.X, l.grid.rect.Min.Y, l.grid.rect.Max.X, l.grid.rect.Min.Y+borderSize)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(Style.ButtonBorderBottom)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(l.grid.rect.Min.X, l.grid.rect.Max.Y-borderSize, l.grid.rect.Max.X, l.grid.rect.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(Style.ButtonBorderBottom)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(l.grid.rect.Min.X, l.grid.rect.Min.Y, l.grid.rect.Min.X+borderSize, l.grid.rect.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(Style.ButtonBorderBottom)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(l.grid.rect.Max.X-borderSize, l.grid.rect.Min.Y, l.grid.rect.Max.X, l.grid.rect.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(Style.ButtonBorderBottom)
// Draw scroll bar.
if !l.showScrollBar() {
return nil
w, h := l.rect.Dx(), l.rect.Dy()
scrollAreaX, scrollAreaY := l.rect.Min.X+w-l.scrollWidth, l.rect.Min.Y
l.scrollRect = image.Rect(scrollAreaX, scrollAreaY, scrollAreaX+l.scrollWidth, scrollAreaY+h)
scrollBarH := l.scrollWidth / 2
if scrollBarH < 4 {
scrollBarH = 4
scrollX, scrollY := l.rect.Min.X+w-l.scrollWidth, l.rect.Min.Y
pct := float64(-l.offset) / float64(len(l.items)*l.itemHeight-l.rect.Dy())
scrollY -= int(float64(h-scrollBarH) * pct)
scrollBarRect := image.Rect(scrollX, scrollY, scrollX+l.scrollWidth, scrollY+scrollBarH)
// Draw scroll handle border.
if l.scrollBorderSize != 0 {
r := scrollBarRect
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Min.X+l.scrollBorderSize, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(l.scrollBorderLeft)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Min.Y+l.scrollBorderSize)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(l.scrollBorderTop)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Max.X-l.scrollBorderSize, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(l.scrollBorderRight)
screen.SubImage(image.Rect(r.Min.X, r.Max.Y-l.scrollBorderSize, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y)).(*ebiten.Image).Fill(l.scrollBorderBottom)
return nil
// Clear clears all items from the list.
func (l *List) Clear() {
defer l.Unlock()
l.items = nil
l.maxY = -1
l.selectedX, l.selectedY = 0, -1
l.offset = 0
l.recreateGrid = true