Use ffmpeg instead of medianinfo and ffmpegthumbnailer

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Slocum 2021-04-14 20:35:25 -07:00
parent 3606e6ea6d
commit 07b4e57ad3
4 changed files with 76 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -79,9 +79,12 @@ support in mind.
- Moderate posts by visiting the management panel.
- To allow video uploads:
- Ensure your web host is running Linux.
- Install [mediainfo]( and [ffmpegthumbnailer]( On Ubuntu, run ``sudo apt-get install mediainfo ffmpegthumbnailer``.
- Install [ffmpeg]( On Ubuntu, run ``sudo apt-get install ffmpeg``.
- Add desired video file types to ``$tinyib_uploads``.
- To remove the play icon from .SWF and .WebM thumbnails, delete or rename **video_overlay.png**
- To use FFMPEG to create thumbnails:
- Install FFMPEG and ensure the ``ffmpeg`` and ``ffprobe`` commands are available.
- Set ``TINYIB_THUMBNAIL`` to ``ffmpeg``.
- To use ImageMagick instead of GD when creating thumbnails:
- Install ImageMagick and ensure that the ``convert`` command is available.
- Set ``TINYIB_THUMBNAIL`` to ``imagemagick``.

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@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ while (ob_get_level() > 0) {
function fancyDie($message)
function fancyDie($message) {
$back = 'Click here to go back';
if (function_exists('__')) {
$back = __('Click here to go back');
@ -55,8 +54,7 @@ require 'inc/defines.php';
global $tinyib_capcodes, $tinyib_embeds, $tinyib_hidefields, $tinyib_hidefieldsop;
if (!defined('TINYIB_LOCALE') || TINYIB_LOCALE == '') {
function __($string)
function __($string) {
return $string;
} else {

View file

@ -469,6 +469,67 @@ function thumbnailDimensions($post) {
return ($post['image_width'] > $max_width || $post['image_height'] > $max_height) ? array($max_width, $max_height) : array($post['image_width'], $post['image_height']);
function videoDimensions($file_location) {
$discard = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffprobe -version", $discard, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
fancyDie('FFMPEG is not installed, or the commands ffmpeg and ffprobe are not in the server\'s $PATH.<br>Install FFMPEG, or set TINYIB_THUMBNAIL to \'gd\' or \'imagemagick\'.');
$dimensions = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel error -of csv=p=0 -show_entries stream=width,height $file_location", $dimensions, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
return array(0, 0);
if (is_array($dimensions)) {
$dimensions = $dimensions[0];
$split = explode(',', $dimensions);
if (count($split) != 2) {
return array(0, 0);
return array(intval($split[0]), intval($split[1]));
function videoDuration($file_location) {
$discard = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffprobe -version", $discard, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
fancyDie('FFMPEG is not installed, or the commands ffmpeg and ffprobe are not in the server\'s $PATH.<br>Install FFMPEG, or set TINYIB_THUMBNAIL to \'gd\' or \'imagemagick\'.');
$duration = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel error -of csv=p=0 -show_entries format=duration $file_location", $duration, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
return 0;
if (is_array($duration)) {
$duration = $duration[0];
return floatval($duration);
function ffmpegThumbnail($file_location, $thumb_location, $new_w, $new_h) {
$discard = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffmpeg -version", $discard, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
fancyDie('FFMPEG is not installed, or the commands ffmpeg and ffprobe are not in the server\'s $PATH.<br>Install FFMPEG, or set TINYIB_THUMBNAIL to \'gd\' or \'imagemagick\'.');
$quarter = videoDuration($file_location) / 4;
$exit_status = 1;
exec("ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss $quarter -i $file_location -frames:v 1 -vf \"thumbnail,scale='if(gt(iw,ih),$new_w,trunc(oh*a/2)*2)':'if(gt(iw,ih),trunc(ow/a/2)*2,$new_h)'\" $thumb_location", $discard, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
return false;
function createThumbnail($file_location, $thumb_location, $new_w, $new_h) {
if (TINYIB_THUMBNAIL == 'gd') {
$system = explode(".", $thumb_location);
@ -523,13 +584,15 @@ function createThumbnail($file_location, $thumb_location, $new_w, $new_h) {
} else if (TINYIB_THUMBNAIL == 'ffmpeg') {
ffmpegThumbnail($file_location, $thumb_location, $new_w, $new_h);
} else { // ImageMagick
$discard = '';
$exit_status = 1;
exec("convert -version", $discard, $exit_status);
if ($exit_status != 0) {
fancyDie('ImageMagick is not installed, or the convert command is not in the server\'s $PATH.<br>Install ImageMagick, or set TINYIB_THUMBNAIL to \'gd\'.');
fancyDie('ImageMagick is not installed, or the convert command is not in the server\'s $PATH.<br>Install ImageMagick, or set TINYIB_THUMBNAIL to \'gd\' or \'ffmpeg\'.');
$exit_status = 1;
@ -575,7 +638,7 @@ function addVideoOverlay($thumb_location) {
if (TINYIB_THUMBNAIL == 'gd') {
if (TINYIB_THUMBNAIL == 'gd' || TINYIB_THUMBNAIL == 'ffmpeg') {
if (substr($thumb_location, -4) == ".jpg") {
$thumbnail = imagecreatefromjpeg($thumb_location);
} else {
@ -721,13 +784,12 @@ function attachFile($post, $filepath, $filename, $uploaded) {
if ($file_mime == 'audio/webm' || $file_mime == 'video/webm' || $file_mime == 'audio/mp4' || $file_mime == 'video/mp4') {
$post['image_width'] = max(0, intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Width%" ' . $file_location)));
$post['image_height'] = max(0, intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Height%" ' . $file_location)));
list($post['image_width'], $post['image_height']) = videoDimensions($file_location);
if ($post['image_width'] > 0 && $post['image_height'] > 0) {
list($thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight) = thumbnailDimensions($post);
$post['thumb'] = $file_name . 's.jpg';
shell_exec("ffmpegthumbnailer -s " . max($thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight) . " -i $file_location -o thumb/{$post['thumb']}");
ffmpegThumbnail($file_location, 'thumb/' . $post['thumb'], $thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight);
$thumb_info = getimagesize('thumb/' . $post['thumb']);
$post['thumb_width'] = $thumb_info[0];
@ -742,7 +804,7 @@ function attachFile($post, $filepath, $filename, $uploaded) {
addVideoOverlay('thumb/' . $post['thumb']);
$duration = intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="General;%Duration%" ' . $file_location));
$duration = videoDuration($file_location);
if ($duration > 0) {
$mins = floor(round($duration / 1000) / 60);
$secs = str_pad(floor(round($duration / 1000) % 60), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ $tinyib_uploads = array('image/jpeg' => array('jpg'),
// 'audio/mp4' => array('mp4');
// 'audio/wav' => array('wav');
// 'audio/webm' => array('webm');
// 'video/mp4' => array('mp4'); // Video uploads require mediainfo and ffmpegthumbnailer (see README for instructions)
// 'video/mp4' => array('mp4'); // Video uploads require ffmpeg (see README for instructions)
// 'video/webm' => array('webm');
// oEmbed APIs
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $tinyib_embeds = array('SoundCloud' => '
// File control
define('TINYIB_MAXKB', 2048); // Maximum file size in kilobytes [0 to disable]
define('TINYIB_MAXKBDESC', '2 MB'); // Human-readable representation of the maximum file size
define('TINYIB_THUMBNAIL', 'gd'); // Thumbnail method to use: gd / imagemagick (see README for instructions)
define('TINYIB_THUMBNAIL', 'gd'); // Thumbnail method to use: gd / ffmpeg / imagemagick (see README for instructions)
define('TINYIB_UPLOADVIAURL', false); // Allow files to be uploaded via URL
define('TINYIB_NOFILEOK', false); // Allow the creation of new threads without uploading a file